Category: Mindfulness

Letting Go: Separating Your Self-Worth From Performance in Sport

All athletes reflect on past endeavors; the good, bad, ugly, and everything in between. Reflection is good when used in a constructive way, yet holding on to past shortcomings, results, and outcomes can lead down a dangerous path; adopting a self-imposed identity based on one’s results and/or time in sport.  “If my identity is solely as an athlete, what happens when injury or retirement come about?,” Premier’s Dr. Matt Mikesell says. “If my identity is as a winner, what happens when I’m not winning?” To the naked eye, the concept of an athlete tying their entire identity to sport may sound out there; after all, humans are complex and sport is just one portion of an individual's life. Yet the reality is far from that.  With research from over 1,500 athletes, Premier's Research and Analytics team found that just 26%...

Neutralize Negative Self Talk in Under Ten Seconds

We’ve all had it, that niggling voice that discourages us before or during competition.  Self-talk is our inner narrator, and when it directs our attention to destructive thoughts or feelings, it can deep-six our performance levels.  Thankfully, mindfulness training teaches us an easy way to strip power from this kind of talk, and separate ourselves from its consequences. Mindfulness teaches us to shift away our attention away from analysis or judgement, and toward observation and acceptance.  An analytical mind evaluates and reacts.  It examines the past, it anticipates the future.  It worries and it avoids.  The observing mindset merely notices and accepts.  It doesn’t get hooked by negativity or try to change an undesirable thought or event, it neutralizes it by letting it pass by, like a leaf in a stream. “I’m not good enough,” is a prototypical example of negative self-talk and, like nearly all negative self-talk, it’s analytical.  It’s an assessment of...

Coping with Times of Uncertainty- Building Resilience

During times of uncertainty, we can start to feel a little anxious and lost. Resilience is something that can help us cope with times of uncertainty. Below are 2 different exercises to help foster the development of your resilience through your support system and accountability through group activities. Exercise 1: Identify three teammates you want to reach out this week and how you want to give and maintain support. A key pillar of resiliency is to identify your support system. Get creative in the ways that you can support each other virtually or from a distance. Click Here   Exercise 2: Movement feels good and boosts your immune system! Here is a workout you can do with your teammates, with instructions on how to set up a "workout meeting" via Zoom. Which exercises will you enjoy more with the support of teammates?  Read Full Article